Friday, June 5, 2015

Three Simple Ways To Spread The Love

I like tea. I LOVE TEA. I just can't stop drinking tea. I am currently drinking Matcha Green Tea at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

The ambiance here, inside, the smell of my tea, the calm conversation of people around me put me into the mood to write something. I'm suppose to read a book, but hey! I miss writing.

So here's my list on Simple Ways To Spread Love. Sometimes, you don't have to spend a single cent to make a difference.

1. Greet a stranger

A simple gesture and greetings such as "Hello!" "Hi!" can lift up the spirit of anyone. You can make a difference to the life of a stranger who is fighting the battle of his life. So spread some love and bring joy. We are all fighting our own battle, but it doesn't hurt to lend a helping hand once in a while. Agree? So go and say "Hi!", wave back, greet those security guards who have just greeted you, say "Welcome" to those people who thanked you and say "Thank you" to those who helped you. Isn't it simple?

I always do this. ALWAYS. I am not bragging about my good deeds. My only aim is to inspire. So, whenever I feel blue, down and kind of sad, instead of spreading this negativity, I try to do things which is opposite of the way I feel.

2. Help elderly people

Do you see the grandma over there, the one who is carrying a heavy bag of groceries. How about the grandpa who is trying his best to cross the street? Or maybe the one who is having some difficulty to go up/down the stairs? The one who can't see the menu?

You know, it's not very hard to lend a helping hand to these elderly people; senior citizens whose five senses are already deteriorating. Now, imagine your own grandma, grandpa, mother, father or relatives out there... isn't it nice if a stranger will help them? Isn't nice to know that there are still people who actually care? That chivalry is not yet dead?

One time, when I was having a terrible day, I saw a group of elderly people waiting for a cab. I was the first in line and they were beside me. I was hungry and I wanted to go to my mother's office as soon as possible to visit her and eat my lunch. When I saw these senior citizens, I was like "Okay, I'll let them ride the cab first." Why? Because it's very obvious that they were all so tired and hungry too. And yes, I let them ride first. I am younger and I could still endure my situation. After that, they thanked a million times and one grandma was even teary eyed. They said "God Bless you Child!". Maybe some will call me a hypocrite, but you know... I've felt really blessed when I helped them.

3. If you're a woman/girl, be nice to one

Aren't you tired of cat fighting? Aren't you sick and tired of finding fault and flaws on her? Do you want to be yourself ? Do you want to stop comparing yourself with others? Hey! You are what you are. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Look in the mirror and tell that to yourself, every day. It should be your mantra. Please... I am begging you, do not let yourself be defined by others definition.

I know that "Just be yourself!" is already overly used, but it's true. You are fine. Smile. You should start embracing your flaws and do not forget who and what you are. You should know your own value. If you feel beautiful in the inside, it will definitely reflect on the outside.

Now, do you see that woman who is having a difficult time wearing high heels? Do you see her blisters? If you ever have an extra band-aid, why not give it to her? Share. I think you already know how difficult it is to wear those kind of shoes. How about the one who is sweating so hard? Give her a tissue. It's not that difficult to share... SHARE. Because I know you that know how hard it is being a woman.

Now, it's time for you to share you own simple ways to spread the love.

Have a good day!


Things that made me happy:

  1. Tea day!
  2. Reading books.
  3. That I am still alive.
  4. That my parents are in good health.
  5. That my friends and relatives are fine.
  6. Playing guitar.
  7. Self studying keyboard.
  8. Listening to classical music.
  9. Reading articles about Corporate world.

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