Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog // I am PINK

I AM PINK. My aura that is. When I woke up this morning a smile was already painted on my lips. I felt so good, happy, contented. I like it whenever I feel like that. My view was all pink, clear, transparent and even if the summer is making me feel horrible than ever before it is as if something good and special really happened... or maybe will happen.

I am thankful to God for another happy day. I am alive. Breathing. With two hands. With two feet. Healthy. There are too many to mention but I am THANKFUL and GREATFUL from the bottom of my heart.

I feel like dancing and singing the whole day. The usual rock music that can be heard in my room was replaced by Taylor Swift, Gabrielle Aplin, Caroline Lufkin, Jason Chen and Paul Kim. 

I guess sometimes... It is enough to be thankful for everything that's already within our grasp and not worrying about what we don't have.

I had a GOOD DAY. How about you? I hope you too. Let's all be happy and spread the love!

I will go back to work tomorrow. I will make my MONDAY a good day.

Good Luck!

Things that made me happy:
>Life and I am embracing it!
>Taylor Swift's lyrics... I can realate. SHE IS GOOD!
>Singing alone inside my room.
>That I am still ALIVE
>Food Shopping with my mother.

Photo by: Your's truly Erica/Aki