Friday, August 9, 2013

Blog // Inspiring Questions: My Answers (From marcandangel)

Working Holiday. This week tested my endurance as well as my patience. It was really a challenge for me to work and study while being sick. I finally understand why my teachers and professors go to School/University to teach despite being sick. Reason? They have responsibility for each of the students their teaching. 

Today, I was randomly checking my news feed when I stumbled upon an article made by Marc and Angel. Since I have time to kill I decided to answer some questions.

1.  What pleasant surprises did I discover this week?

That life is indeed full of surprises. I never really thought that my presence or whole being will have an impact to other people. I used to consider myself as someone who was WORTHLESS because a lot people from the past made me feel that way. I learned from it, that’s why I am trying to change my views in life. I cannot please everybody but I can please somebody. That’s enough for me. People who accepted me for WHO I AM will be treasured…

2.  What lessons did my work teach me that I could build upon next week?

That patience is a virtue. In my job, being patient is a MUST. I should increase my level of tolerance and expand my knowledge to help other people learn from me.

3.  What could I have spent more or less time doing?

I could have spent more time on thinking positive things. I could have spent more time on ignoring negative and depressing people. I could have spent less time on self pitying. I could have spent less time on worrying about something which is not worth my time.

4.  How did fear and uncertainty affect what I did and didn’t do?

Sometimes, I feel like doubting myself is one of my hobbies. Even if my true friends believe in my capabilities I cannot make myself believe in me. I always try to bring myself down to avoid mean girls and conflict. Because of the “DOUBT”… it triggered my stress level to increase causing me to be sick for the past few days. It terribly affected my health and made my emotion unstable (not in a crazy way).

5.  What is the first logical step for next week?

POSTIVE. OPTIMIST. I am going to be. It’s about time for me to do something new that will definitely help me grow.

Good night. I hope to feel better. Honestly, being sick is killing me. I feel terribly bad.

Things that made me happy:
- Friendly conversation.
- Card from my former student. 
 (Honestly, I was very happy when I received the card. She's not even my student this month but she keeps on contacting me which is really nice of her. I love this girl so much. She treats me like an older sister and even her mother knows me. I hope to see her again... maybe on December.)
- Cranberry Juice
- Meeting people from my former high school.
- Double Pay (I know, I know... but we all deserve it!)
- That I have true friends.