Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What's Up: Planning to go back to school

After eating my chicken sandwich (My dinner) my cousin gave me this fluffy pastry. :) from Tous Les Jours. My korean friends recommended this bakeshop before but I didn't have time to actually try their pastries and other bread... LUCKILY my heaven sent cousin came and gave me the opportunity to try this...

Today. I HAD A GREAT DAY! I accepted a challenge and I was able to WON. The nervousness I felt, the thousand prayers I uttered last night (He listened to me), knee limping feeling, butterflies in my stomach... they were all WORTH IT. Thank God because he guided me throughout the day.

Talking to the people is one of the things that I am bad at. Nowadays, I am starting to like it. I finally learned that there's nothing wrong with conversing and sharing ideas and opinions. Exchanging mine with others and knowing that they are learning from my words is very FULFILLING. I maybe not the smartest girl out there but since I am a bookworm I accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Discussing complicated topics is another thing. I am very thankful to my Professors in University because I learned a lot from them. I really appreciate their effort to make us absorb all the lessons back then.

This coming June I am going to be a student AGAIN. I will be inside the old school that I've been to for almost 5 years of my University Life. It will be strange not to see my friends there anymore but I have to do this on my own. I need to be independent once and for all.

I need courage and self confidence. A LOT OF THEM.

Things that made me happy:
> Intellectual conversation with a Japanese English Teacher.
> Another intellectual conversation with a Japanese Lawyer.
> Heart to heart talk with a Chemist.
> Chatting with friends.
> Lauging with friends.
> Fun converation with family and relatives.