Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Made With Love 1: Obviously Orange Soya Smoothie Recipe (My Version) // Perfect for Lazy Thursday

(Photo by: Erica/Erix)
Summer Heat! Summer time is drastic in Manila. Manila Heat is tremendously and terribly unexplainable and unfathomable. It makes me want to go outside wearing nothing at all!
Nevertheless, I'm doing my best to prevent all negative health issues that might target me this Summer Season.
Since, I love fruits and vegetables and I emphasized this fact too many times in this blog... I've been experimenting a lot with my favorites. I plan to make a lot of Smoothie recipe that are PERFECT for this SUMMER SEASON and don't worry because I always consider the Calorie content of my recipes.
Obviously Orange Soya Smoothie
Serving: 1
Calories: 191
1 Orange
Mango (1 cheek part)
1/2 cup Soya Milk
5 cubes of ice
  1. Peel the orange. Make sure not to remove the white part because they are rich in FIBER.
  2. Remove the seeds using fork or knife (be careful in using the knife).
  3. Cut the mango into cubes.
  4. Prepare the Blender and pour in all the ingredients; ice cubes, orange, mango and soya milk.
  5. Blend until all the ingredients are mix well.
  6. Serve with Pure Honey on top (But this is optional).

 (Ingredients. Don't mind the Carrot Juice... It's not included. I was drinking it while Blending my smoothie. :) sorry.)

 (Procedure 1 and 2)
 (The seeds are bitter, so make sure to remove them.)

Your Obviously Orange Soya Smoothie is Done! This is worth trying for. I think kids will like this. Try to serve this with your homemade oatmeal cookie. I'll share next time how to make oatmeal cookie using Turbo.
See you!
Ps: If you want to increase the number of serving, just double the amount of each ingredients.