Monday, December 23, 2013

Blog // A Decade of FRIENDSHIP

Hello! Today's December 23, 2013 and it's MONDAY! A very special day for me. 10th year anniversary. 10 years of FRIENDSHIP. It means a lot to me and to "her"; my best friend. She is the proof of what I had said before... "Once a person became my friend, I will cherish this person for the rest of my life. He/She will be my friend until the end of time." So see? I am not lying... but, we still have long way to go.

My best friend and I didn't attend the same College, we didn't enrolled to same Major, we've had had separate sets of friends BUT we'd never neglected each other. Simple actions like; sending messages, calling once in a while or visiting each other's houses helped us to stay connected.

Of course, we're not perfect and we sometimes argue BUT the last time we argued was when we were still in High School...

So today, I bought simple snacks for us to share in this special day. It was fun because it felt like we were transported to being a high school student. We used to sleep in each other houses, we cooked food, we love food shopping and even if it was already time to sleep at night we always ended up talking until morning... talking about anything.

Now that we are already an adult, I hope that we could stay the same... Loyal, Funny, Conservative with a touch of innocence and Purity.

Lastly, I became the dishwasher of the day. People always say that I don't know any household chores. They always accuse me of being a "senorita".... but in reality... I AM NOT. Of course I know how to wash dishes, to wash clothes, to clean the house, to do some gardening, to sew clothes, cook basic foods etc... I know how to do them. :)

And as I am typing this, my neighbor is singing an old Korean song... Amazing...  
Good Night Everyone!

Things that made me happy:
- Food Shopping. I like food shopping very much! <3
- Cooking and preparing the table.
- Talking to my Best friend
- Teasing my Best friend's dogs (pit bull); so scary.
- Eating. (Tomorrow is ZUMBA DAY)