Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blog // Simple ways to ease the SADNESS

I'm  EMOTIONAL today. For some reasons I feel so heavy. I feel like there's a hole in my heart. It's difficult to breathe... It's painful... emotionally speaking.

Sometimes, feeling like this is inevitable... I used to run away from sadness and pretend to be happy in front of the people but I wanted to be HONEST... you have to be honest and face this emotion if you want to end your suffering.

4 Tips to ease the sadness:

1. Write.

This is for the people who don't have somebody to talk to... like me. Technically, I'm an introvert. Introverts are not good in spoken words but excellent in written words. Writing is one of my ways to get out the emotions in my head, in my chest, in my heart...Next time you feel sad... Try it, believe me, writing will bring peace in your mind.

2. Listen.

Listening to music is one of the best ways to ease the sadness. Whatever song you listen into will be great as long as you like it. As for me, I like to listen to acoustic, classical, instrumental whenever I feel BLUE (sad). I write while listening to music and my emotions naturally flow, my hands move on their own to create words that I'm writing right now.

3. Sleep.

It's difficult to sleep when you have lots of thoughts in your head. You always find yourself having a hard time closing your eyes and even if you count million sheeps... it's not enough. BUT, you have to rest your head, your mind and your body... don't be too difficult to yourself. There's still tomorrow, you can do all the things that you weren't able to do today... It's never too late to say what you wanted to say, to do what you wanted to do...

4. Talk.

If you're an extrovert, you could always find somebody to talk to. My advice? Make sure to find someone who will LISTEN to you, someone who will not interrupt you while you talk...

Let me share to you the great mixtape that I found online (

Good Luck. Remember, TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY. Enjoy today. Face Tomorrow with courage and DON'T GIVE UP. Pursue what you wanted to pursue... 
Don't be afraid. Spread the LOVE!

Things that made me happy: (Too many to mention but...)
- Free schedule.
- Making the designs for the Coffee Mugs.
- Writing letters.
- Gift wrapping my gifts for my students.
- Conversations with my students.
- Being told that I'm suitable to teach professionals.
- Being told to Enjoy my life. (I will... you too)
- Being told that I'm a great teacher.
- Making other people happy (Because this makes me happy too... VERY HAPPY.)
- Being told that they will miss me. (I will too... I can never forget. I will never forget.)
- Being told that I'm the best just the way I am.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blog // Powerful word "SORRY"

(Photo from: )

Are promises important to you? Is breaking a promise easy? What will you feel if somebody broke his or her promise to you?

Promises are important to me; especially if I'm the one who made them. Breaking a promise is easy as ABC... this is the REALITY. If somebody broke his or her promise to me, of course I will definitely feel BAD.

For some reasons, making promises is very easy for us but fulfilling them is difficult. Is it because of some circumstances that are inevitable? Or is it because we tend to forget the promises that we actually made? By BREAKING it... we should always remember that there are people who will feel bad, sad and disappointed.

This week... I unintentionally hurt a friend of mine by making a promise that I wasn't able to fulfill. I made my friend very excited but look what I did... I made her disappointed. 

I said "Sorry"... she has forgiven me already and you know what... I learned my lessons. I don't break promises and this is the first time for so many years. I wanted to make my friend feel better and saying "SORRY" is the only thing that I am capable of.... for now.

At the end... I feel relieved because we're okay now. I told myself that I will not going to make her (my friend) feel bad again. I treasure my friends very much because they treasure me too. I think it's only right and just to give the exact same feelings to them.

SORRY... made me HAPPY and RELIEVED.

Things I learned:
- Don't make a promise if you're not going to fulfill it.
- Say "Sorry" and make sure you mean it.

"MERRY GO ROUND" week. A lot of things happened and I am very THANKFUL for everything.

Things that made me HAPPY:
- Comedy jeepney ride with down to earth passengers.
- Laughing out loud with strangers.
- Haruto-kun letter and origami (5 years old Japanese kid)
- Conversations and laughing with my students.
- "You're a good teacher."
- Loving parents.
- Understanding friends.
- That I am still alive and breathing.
- Being told that I'm an interesting person. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What's up: I am CINDY (Cinderella)

If I am going to paint what I am feeling at the moment... it would be the usual gray and black shade. Neutral Tone.

As I am typing this... my thoughts are Tangled. Confused. I can't even express my real emotion.

What happened today made me realize that I am a WEAK person. A chicken. Weakling. How I wish I could be like my friends who are strong, who have the guts to fight for their rights... but as for me. I STILL can't.

I hate fighting and bickering as much as possible, but in this certain case it is inevitable. I have to stand up and be strong in front of  the people who are trying to ruin me. I have to be independent. It is sad because I am the kind of person who always needs protection... but this time, I want to lean on myself.

I never thought that I will be able to meet people who could make me feel that the world is full of evil beings. I am a nice person but please... I am begging you not to take advantage of this. I already begged them many times; but what did they do? They took advantage of it. I HAD ENOUGH. 

Yes. I am CINDERELLA. Why? because my shoes went missing. I terribly hate LIARS and LYING. I can't tolerate them... white lies are okay but BIG LIES are NO-NO.

I therefore conclude that PRINCE CHARMING don't exist. My shoes are now in the hands of someone who is a GUILTY LIAR. I feel very sad, because I wasn't able to get back what is really MINE.

However, I AM A LUCKY person. My friends and parents are very supportive and they have given me courage to be strong and advice on how to treat the people who are trying to pull me down. Crab Mentality is everywhere. Beware.

Tomorrow is another day. I will do what I can to fight for my right. Good night. Good night.

Things that made me happy:
- Grapes
- Laughter of my coworkers
- Banana Song
- Talking with my students
- Sounds of Baby's laughter
- The texture of My soft bed

Things that made me sad:
- Lying
- Back stabbers